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in the Media


“What are your non-negotiables?” Listen Now

Dad the best I can

“Ken Rideout – How This Dad Runs Marathons, Triathlons (And After His 4 Kids)” Read More


“All Ken Rideout Does is Set PRs” Read More


“Ken Rideout – The Most Interesting Man In The World” Read More

The Morning Shakeout Podcast

Episode 91 Listen Now

Episode 186 Listen Now

Myrtle Beach Sun News

“Ken Rideout wins Myrtle Beach Marathon to celebrate birthday” Watch Now


“Boxing Legend Teddy Atlas’ Podcast Is Growing — So Is His Respect For The UFC” Read More

“Champion Runner Ken Rideout Finds Motivation From Boxing Legend Teddy Atlas” Read More

Bare Performance Podcast

“#124 - Ken Rideout | From Drug Addict To Running Sub-2:30 Marathons” Listen Now

New York Times

“How a Former Boxer and Opioid Addict Became the World’s Best Marathoner Over 50” Read More


“From Triathlete to Ace Runner" Read More

The Fight with Teddy Atlas

Co-Host of The Fight With Teddy Atlas 300K subscribers, 65M+ views on YouTube

Hall of Fame boxing commentator and trainer, Teddy Atlas, along with co-host and former boxer Ken Rideout, talk has 2 L’s boxing, fight analysis, and life lessons learned in the ring.

Watch The Fight


Ken is available for keynote speaking engagements worldwide. If you are interested in having him speak at your event, please send an email.

Invite Ken to speak
  • What topics does Ken typically cover?

    Ken's signature speaking topics include perseverance, winning, ambition, consistency, hard work, and determination.

  • What details should I include in my request?

    When submitting your request, please ensure you specify whether the event will be virtual or in-person, provide an approximate budget, and the proposed date or dates.